Celebrating nature's beauty.

We are the go-to boutique for event planners, celebrities, corporate and personal clientele, who rave about the artistic approach, unique selection and service beyond compare.

Deb Woloshyn and Gloria Sawatzky, the sister duo, started their journey with Beyond Flowers in 1996. With entrepreneurial spirit being part of their DNA,  they felt the need and passion to continue the family tradition and bring something new and exciting to Winnipeg, Manitoba. 

Inspired by their passion for gardening and the beauty of the extravagant floral industry of Europe, they set out to go beyond the expected and share their creative eye with their community. Delivering experience, quality, & reliability like no other floral boutique of its kind. 

While Gloria focuses on concepts, ordering, designs and curating the perfect collections for customers to shop, Deb handles day-day management, operations and communication.

With 26 years in business, and counting, Deb and Gloria, along with the Beyond Flowers Team, bring beauty beyond the expected, a mission forever inspired by nature.